Consistency ayurveda yoga

It can be a challenge to stay grounded and we are all being tested in different ways.

The question is, how can we bring a settledness to ourselves when life’s events feel chaotic?

How can we rise above the confusion, worry, anger, and divisiveness?

For me, one of my mainstays is my Yoga...

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Let's Go Foraging: Burdock ayurveda burdock forage skin spring

What better way to source your health care products than from Nature itself?

BURDOCK is a nourishing liver and kidney food and helps promote digestion. 

You can cut up the roots, and put them in soups and make a tea or decoction, same as dandelion. Just know...

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What is Kapha, anyway? ayurveda kapha spring

Ayurveda’s grounding philosophy states that all things in existence are made up of the five elements of ether or space, air, fire, water and earth. These elements are the building blocks for all that is contained within matter, including nature herself as well as our physical bodies....

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Let's Go Foraging: Dandelions ayurveda cleanse spring

There is a term in Ayurveda,  “Ritu Charya” which means attuning to seasonal rhythms with our diets and lifestyles.

We help rebalance ourselves when we shift our routines to be in alignment with the seasonal changes.  Think spring!  Movement, growth, new...

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Key Yoga Poses for Kapha Season ayurveda kapha spring yoga

Stimulate, Motivate, Energize

Emphasize heat, lightness, upward movements with your yoga practice in Spring:

  • Sun Salutations practiced with the intention of “get going”
  • Standing poses with the arms raised up to open and clear chest
  • Backbends open the lungs to help clear congestion...
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Lunar Eclipses ayurveda lunar eclipse sadhana yoga

Right now, you may be experiencing a different energy and strong emotions. It isn't just you. Lunar eclipses have incredible power on us as humans.

The energy of this eclipse event will be felt for two days before and for two days after. It is a potent, yet perfect, time to release...

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Kitchari: Ayurveda's Healing Meal ayurveda cleanse recipe


Kitchari is one of the few foods that provides both nourishment for the body and benefits digestion due to its spice combination. This makes kitchari ideal during stress, illness, change of seasons, and it is the primary food during Ayurvedic internal cleansing.


  • 1 cup...
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