The 13 Original Clan Mothers: An Invitation to Journey Together

clan mothers moon cycles women's wisdom Jan 02, 2025

⟡ Warm greetings and welcome to the New Year!

The new year is a wonderful time for us to reconnect with the sacred rhythms of life, to learn from the wisdom of the Earth, and to honor our innate creativity and intuition. But simply figuring out how to start can be overwhelming. We can't simply start tackling all of the aspects of our physical, spiritual, and emotional selves all at once. Thankfully, we have the teachings from our ancestors to help guide us to take the little steps that will make up a yearlong journey in Jamie Sams’ book, The 13 Original Clan Mothers. Rooted in the teachings from the grandmothers of our grandmothers, the Clan Mothers represent universal truths that guide us in embracing our authentic feminine selves and fostering balance in all aspects of life.

The Origin of the Clan Mothers

Jamie Sams shares that the 13 Clan Mothers come from oral traditions, passed down through generations of storytellers and keepers of wisdom. Each Clan Mother embodies a unique aspect of the feminine principle, teaching us how to live in harmony with the Earth, with nature's rhythms, with one another, and within ourselves. One by one, month by month, the Clan Mothers guide us through each moon cycle, offering lessons to deepen our self-understanding, intuition, and connection to the natural world.

A Year-Long Journey

Over the next year, we’ll honor each moon cycle by focusing on the teachings of a specific Clan Mother. Each month, we’ll delve into her unique gifts and the lessons she offers us. From learning to Talk with Relations with the Clan Mother of January to nurturing our creativity with October's Weaves the Web to manifesting the life we want with Becomes Her Vision, we’ll uncover wisdom that supports us in our personal and collective growth.

Why This Journey Matters

In today’s hustle and bustle world, reconnecting with these timeless teachings can feel like an act of resistance—and healing. The Clan Mothers remind us to slow down, to listen deeply, and to trust the natural flow of life. They offer us tools to awaken our inner knowing and celebrate the sacredness of being human.

Each month, we’ll explore:

  • The essence and gifts of that month’s Clan Mother.

  • Stories or practices to deepen your connection to her teachings.

  • Reflections and journal prompts to integrate her wisdom into your life.

This journey is a gentle invitation to pause, to reflect, and to grow. Whether you're new to the Clan Mothers or have walked with them for years, there’s always more to discover.

By aligning with each moon cycle and its corresponding Clan Mother, we create space to honor our experiences, nurture our intuition, and cultivate a deep sense of belonging to ourselves and the larger web of life. 

This journey is not about seeking something outside of us—it’s about remembering what we already carry within.

Are you ready to meet the Clan Mothers and step into a deeper rhythm with life? Let’s begin. ⟡


You can join our monthly Community Gatherings and Women's Moon Circles live online as a member of the Radiant Living Community. Click here to learn more and become a member!

Click here to purchase your own copy of Jamie Sams’ book, The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers.

Thank you for visiting Ayurveda Yoga Center. My mission is to help women come in to their power and reconnect to their ancient wisdom so they live a soul-fed life. If you are enjoying this content, please check out my Radiant Living Membership for more indepth resources, teachings, and recorded workshops and practices.

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