The Intuition of Woman

intuition silence women's wisdom May 29, 2024

One of the gifts of being a woman is our deep sense of inner knowing: our Divine Guidance, the Intuition of Woman. When we are tuned into our intuition, we simply “know” what is right for us and what isn’t. We “know” the answers to our questions more easily and are able to sift through the muck and confusion in our minds when faced with making decisions. There is much less second guessing.

When we tap into that intuition, we recognize when situations and opportunities present themselves that are important for us to pay attention to. We learn to trust ourselves more.  Our self-confidence improves.  Our self-esteem grows. Life becomes more simple.  What a relief!

Intuition: The ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning.”
“A thing that one knows or considers, likely from instinctive feelings rather than from conscious reasoning.”

In the past, I made some of my decisions based on fear and/or confusion. Many times, the choices I made were not in my best interest. I used to try and make myself be all right with certain situations and people.  The truth is, there were times I was not ok, yet I let my mind override my deep intelligence. I struggled with not knowing which way to go and what to do.  My attention was more focused on external things which took me away from the source of my deep strength and inner knowing. This opened me up for insecurities, unsettled feelings, and confusion. It’s not that way for me anymore. At least not very often.

To develop and access our intuition we need to tune into ourselves daily. We need to  develop a deep connection to our soul and the divine intelligence that resides there.

The heart is the gateway to it all.  Any time  we are find ourselves seeking answers outside ourselves we can always return to the sacred and the wisdom within thru the portal of our hearts.  It will never fail us.

A gentle practice is to sit quietly, place our hands and our minds on our heart space.

We can ask ourselves a question and feel the feeling in the body. 

Then ask the question and use the mind to sort it through.

Then go back to feeling into the heart space.  Overtime, with practice you will begin to sense more clearly the difference when reasoning with the mind and tuning into the "soul" for the answers.

The chatter in the mind must be quieted so we can hear the Divine’s guiding voice.

Sitting in Silence Challenge: Try this for the next seven days.

Get yourself settled and sit in silence for 5 minutes. Simply sit. Acknowledge, but don't absorb the thoughts and worries that may pop up. Let them float on by. Let your hands be folded in your lap or placed on the center of your chest:  the heart space.  Simply sit and breathe with mind on the heart. 

It can be useful to journal afterward and flash write any insights that come up.  IF you do have a sense of a particular answer to a question or a niggling that comes, its important to act on it.

One of my teachers says that we must act on "it"  to build the relationship with our inner knowing.  Otherwise, its sort of pointless since we are developing trust in "what we know" and embodying it.

Take a moment to reflect on how it felt. And do it again tomorrow! 

To support you in developing your  intuition, here is a book I recommend: 
Trust Your Vibes: Love an Extraordinary Life by Using Your Intuitive Intelligence by Sonia Choquette


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My mission is to help women come in to their power and reconnect to their ancient wisdom so they live a soul-fed life. 
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