Surrender to YourĀ Intuition: Listen to Your Heart

intuition meditation women's wisdom Jul 03, 2024

Hey there, beautiful souls!

Let's dive into a topic that's close to our hearts—quite literally! We're talking about intuition and the art of surrendering to the gentle messages our hearts share with us when we take a moment to be still and truly listen.

The Voice Within

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to get caught up in the noise. Deadlines, to-do lists, and endless notifications can drown out the subtle voice of our inner wisdom. But have you ever noticed how, in those rare moments of quiet, a gentle nudge or a soft whisper seems to emerge from within? That's your intuition speaking.

What Is Intuition?

Intuition is the voice of our soul: that inner knowing, that gut feeling, that quiet sense of certainty that guides us-- when we let it. It's not about logic or reasoning; it's about feeling and sensing. Intuition lives in the body. It's the heart's way of steering us toward what truly resonates with what is right for us. 

Finding Stillness

Important to connecting with our intuition is creating space for stillness. This is where our daily practice, our sadhana, becomes a powerful tool. When we step onto our mats, we enter a sacred space where we can quiet the mind and tune into the body and breath. Even if you give yourself just a few minutes of meditation, these moments of stillness are opportunities to listen deeply.

Surrendering to the Messages

It is important that as we tune inside for guidance we also want to trust and act on the messages we receive.This brings us to the importance of Surrender. Surrendering to our intuition means letting go of the need to control every outcome. It's about trusting that our heart knows what's best for us, even when our mind can't quite make sense of it. This can be challenging, especially for those of us who like to plan and analyze. But remember, surrender doesn't mean giving up; it means letting go of resistance and allowing things to unfold naturally.

A book I often recommend on the power of Surrendering is:
The Magic of Surrender: Finding the Courage to Let Go by Kute Jackson.

You can check it out here on Amazon:

Being guided by our intuition is a beautiful journey of self-discovery and trust. It's about learning to value the quiet messages of our hearts and embracing the Divine wisdom that lies within.
A simple yet powerful practice is to take a moment to pause, breathe, and listen.

Your heart has so much to share with you.

Stay tuned to your inner wisdom, and let your heart guide you on this incredible journey.

With love and light,

 Thank you for visiting Ayurveda Yoga Center. My mission is to help women come in to their power and reconnect to their ancient wisdom so they live a soul-fed life. If you are enjoying this content, please check out my Radiant Living Membership for more in-depth resources, teachings, and recorded workshops and practices.