Storyteller Woman: Wisdom from the Clan Mother of the Sixth Moon Cycle

Jul 01, 2024

This month, we'll be following the guidance of Storyteller Woman, the Clan Mother of the Sixth Moon Cycle, as beautifully depicted by Jamie Sams in her book, “The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers.” Storyteller Woman is the Guardian of the Medicine Stories and the Preserver of Speaking from Personal Experience and Truth. Her teachings are a blend of ancient wisdom and timeless truths, wrapped in the art of storytelling.

The Medicine Stories, ancient tales that carry the essence of life's lessons, are important for us to hear. To make sure we pay attention to the message, Storyteller Woman skillfully balances the sacred with a touch of irreverence. She shares profound wisdom while keeping her audience engaged and entertained; instead of bombarding you with dry facts, this Clan Mother weaves lessons into stories.

Storyteller knows that life isn't just about solemn moments of introspection. She teaches us to find the sacred in the everyday and to balance it with a sprinkle of humor and irreverence. It’s a gentle reminder that it's okay to laugh at ourselves and find joy even in the most profound teachings.

Indeed, one of the core teachings of Storyteller is to speak from personal experience and truth. In a world where everyone has an opinion, Storyteller Woman reminds us to share our stories without judging others or coming off as self-righteous. It's about being authentic and honest, and letting our experiences speak for themselves.

The most profound lesson from Storyteller is the idea that we are all both students and teachers in this journey of life. She encourages us to continually learn from our experiences and to share the wisdom we've gained. It's a beautiful cycle of giving and receiving knowledge, ensuring that the wisdom of our ancestors lives on while we add our own chapters to the story.

Finally, Storyteller is a preserver of wisdom. She shows us the importance of holding onto the lessons we’ve learned and passing them on. In this fast-paced world, it’s easy to forget the value of the stories and experiences that shape us. By preserving this wisdom, we honor our ancestors, enrich our present days, and guide future generations.

So the next time you find yourself sharing a personal experience, remember Storyteller Woman. Let’s share our stories with authenticity and heart, find joy in the balance of sacredness and humor, speak our truths without judgment, and always be open to learning.