She Who Heals: Clan Mother of the Eighth Moon Cycle

clan mothers Aug 09, 2024

In Jamie Sams' book, The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers, we meet She Who Heals, the Clan Mother of the Eighth Moon Cycle. She Who Heals is the Guardian of serving the truth, and her wisdom shines in the realms of life, death, and the spaces in between. 

Our focus on the truth is always a compass for healing.
We are called this month to remember our nature:  the truth of who we are and to connect to our wholeness.

She Who Heals helps us through important life changes and teaches us about the cycles of life.

She guides us through birth, growth, death, and rebirth.  

She understands the cycles of the Medicine Wheel, showing us when to fight for life, when to let go, and how to embrace death as a step towards rebirth. Her presence is a comforting reminder that healing is a continuous journey, guiding us through the beautiful, complex process of being human.


Draped in the color blue, She Who Heals resonates with intuition, truth, water, and feelings. She is a midwife, herbalist, medicine woman, and spirit healer, deeply connected to the Plant Spirits, the tribe of all things green and growing. Her knowledge of healing plants and roots is vast, and she uses this wisdom to nurture and heal.

She Who Heals calls us to remember deep in our bones who we truly are and to return to ourselves over and over and over again.  To trust we have what we need to bring our best selves forward.

This month we are encouraged to meet ourselves with tenderness. To take time each day to connect with our heart space and the wisdom, the truth, that lives within. 

No one knows what is true for us better than us.

When we connect to the truth of who we are there is deep healing that takes place.


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