Listening Woman: Clan Mother of the 5th Moon Cycle

clan mothers moon cycles May 20, 2024
Moon reflecting on water with woman silhouettes

Women are lunar beings; we are ruled by the cycles of the moon.
We have a full moon coming on Friday: May's Full Moon, the Flower Moon.

The Full Moon is a powerful time when the energy is strong and there is a sense of completion. During this phase, as the moon nears its fullest potential, we may find we have more energy, our emotions may be stronger, and we may gain greater clarity. A decision that we've been sorting through and wondering about may become clear.

I am a grandmother and great- mother now.
I am an elder committed to passing on this ancient Women's medicine of the Native American and Yogic traditions to benefit all of us in these modern times.

With this in mind:

In her book "The 13 Original Clan Mothers", Jamie Sams shares the native feminine wisdom of the Elders and our deep connection to the cycles of the moon. Listening Woman is the Clan Mother of the Fifth Moon Cycle. She is a wise elder, steeped in the teachings of the ancient ways, guiding us through the intricate dance of life. Listening Woman embodies a profound truth that often eludes us in our bustling modern world – the art of listening.

Her Cycle of Truth is all about hearing the Truth, not just with our ears but with our hearts, minds, and spirits. She beckons us to step into the Silence, to quiet the noise of our busy lives and tune into the ever-present messages of nature, our inner selves, and the unseen realms of the Spirit World.

In a time when everyone everywhere seems to be shouting to be heard, Listening Woman reminds us of the power of silence. It's in the stillness that we can truly hear the whispers of our souls and connect with the rhythms of the universe.

But Listening Woman's teachings go beyond just listening to ourselves. She encourages us to open our hearts and ears to the viewpoints of others, to honor the sacred perspective that each being brings to this intricate tapestry of life.

Her wisdom echoes the ancient teachings of the Yoga Sutras too. Both guide us to a place of stillness and quiet, where we can find harmony not only within ourselves but also with the world around us.

So, how can we embody the essence of Listening Woman in our own lives? Take a moment each day to step away from the noise, whether it's by meditating, taking a walk in nature, or simply sitting in quiet reflection. Listen – not just with your ears, but with your whole being. Tune into the beating of your heart, the rustle of the wind, the song of the birds.

And as you cultivate this practice of deep listening, you'll find yourself opening up to the beauty of diversity, embracing the sacredness of every perspective, and dancing in harmony with the ever-changing rhythms of the seasons.

So let us pay heed to Listening Woman, Clan Mother of the Fifth Moon Cycle – may her teachings inspire us to enter the Silence and listen deeply, so that we may find truth, harmony, and peace in our hearts and in the world around us.


 Thank you for visiting Ayurveda Yoga Center. My mission is to help women come in to their power and reconnect to their ancient wisdom so they live a soul-fed life. If you are enjoying this content, please check out my Radiant Living Membership for more indepth resources, teachings, and recorded workshops and practices.