Let's Go Foraging: Dandelions

ayurveda cleanse spring Apr 08, 2024

There is a term in Ayurveda,  “Ritu Charya” which means attuning to seasonal rhythms with our diets and lifestyles.

We help rebalance ourselves when we shift our routines to be in alignment with the seasonal changes.  Think spring!  Movement, growth, new beginnings. Winter is a more sedentary time for most of us.  For anyone who has put on a few extra pounds, this is the perfect season to take the weight off.

In Spring, we can reset our biology, align ourselves, and discard old patterns so we can start fresh.  How do we nurture and guide this new growth we envision?
For cleansing, think bitters.
If you live in an area where dandelion and burdock grow, you are lucky! These plants are a couple of my favorite spring time herbs which grow here in the northeast.

Let's start with Dandelions.

DANDELIONS are a great food and a gentle tonic for the liver. 

If you have dandelions growing in your yard, head out with a little gardening tool and dig them up at the roots: in both spring and fall. The leaves are a diuretic, and help move excess water from the body. You can steam or saute the leaves, put them in soups or salads, or just eat them warm.  

The flowers can be used in baking.  You can make dandelion tempura with a milk, flour, and egg batter.
The roots can be cut up and made into a tea or decoction (which means simmering them for a stronger tea).

If you are not able or want to forage, you can find these products in the produce department of a grocery store or coop.  Organic is what you would want.  You can also purchase teas that provide benefits from these herbs.