Healthy Living in Late Summer
Sep 05, 2024
Ayurveda says look to Mother Nature’s cycles and rhythms to guide our daily and seasonal living. Signs and symptoms of health and well-being as well as imbalances are expressions of the way we live day in and day out.
We need to understand our own unique make-up so that we will eat and live in ways that serve us best. We also want to modify our choices according to the seasons so that we will be balanced and well at the fundamental level.
During late summer, we need to focus on clearing heat and addressing dry conditions. It's important to watch for signs and symptoms of imbalances: heartburn, acid reflux, skin rashes, diarrhea, sore blood shot eyes, irritability, anger, jealousy, impatience, and judgement.
-Favor foods with the sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes.
-Decrease foods with the salty, sour, and pungent tastes.
-Reduce hot spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine, red meat, fermented foods
-Drink water throughout the day; stay hydrated
-Include cooling spices such as cumin, coriander, and fennel for digestion
-Swim, sit in the moonlight, walk on early morning grass barefoot
-Avoid the hot mid-day sun
Coconut, ghee, olive oil, sunflower oil, butter
Green colored veggies, berries, melons, watermelon, pomegranates
Light gray, blues, greens, lavender, pastels, white
Rose, lavender, sandalwood
Silence, ocean waves, water flowing in a fountain, waves lapping the sea shore
Yoga asanas
Belly down backbends, forward bends, twists, wide apart leg poses – standing, sitting, lying down -- anything that opens the legs from the mid-line
Breathing practices
Complete yogic breath, sheetali, alternate nostril
Mint, cilantro, lemon balm, brahmi (gotu Kola), amalaki, neem, licorice, dandelion, aloe vera, rose, hibiscus
Facial and body spray
Distilled water with essential oils of rose, lavender
The above is an overview of some of the ways to help us remain balanced and well as the seasons shift from late summer into fall.
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With love and light,
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