Four Stroke Breath Practice to Build Intuition

breath kundalini yoga May 06, 2024

The Four Stroke Breath Practice to Build Intuition aligns so well with this time of the month, having a new moon. The New Moon is a potent time for introspection and reflection; it is a sacred time of beginnings, a time to plant the seeds of our intentions and nurture them with love, faith, and unwavering belief.

There is a profound connection between the lunar cycles and our innate intuitive wisdom.
As women, we are blessed with a natural intuition that is deeply attuned to the rhythms of nature and the cycles of the moon.

"A Woman's Intuition is Her Highest Authority."

With this in mind, I offer you a 10 minute recorded breath/meditation practice to help build intuition: The Four Stroke Breath Practice to Build Intuition.

I suggest you find a quiet place to sit, light a candle, and set an intention. Practice along with me on this video.

This powerful breath practice works on the pituitary gland to develop intuition. 

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, in a chair or on your mat, and place your hands together in a prayer mudra.
  2. Extend the index fingers as you interlock the other fingers clasping your hands together. Cross one thumb over the other (for women, the left thumb should be over the right thumb. Hands are held in front of the face, slightly below your nose. 
  3. Gaze down at the tips of your fingers with your eyes mostly closed.  Inhale in four powerful strokes through the mouth in an O shape, exhale in one powerful stroke through the nose.
  4. Continue the pattern for 5-15 minutes.
  5. When you have finished your final sequence, inhale and hold the breath. Put both arms straight out to the sides, palms facing upward. Hold the breath as long as you can (about 20-30 seconds). Sit up straight and focus the energy through the body. Exhale.
  6. Inhale deep, hold your breath and stretch your arms horizontally and stretch your body vertically. Exhale.
  7. Inhale deep, open your fingers and make them like steel. Squeeze your entire energy and bring it into your arms. Exhale and relax.

If you practice this consistently, you will create a stronger connection to your inner knowing.

You will align with your soul's deepest desires and tune into the wise voice inside that shows you the way.
The answers to the questions come more easily. What a relief!


Thank you for visiting Ayurveda Yoga Center. My mission is to help women come in to their power and reconnect to their ancient wisdom so they live a soul-fed life. If you are enjoying this content, please check out my Radiant Living Membership for more indepth resources, teachings, and recorded workshops and practices.