Feel happier, healthier, and more peaceful inside
Ancient Wisdom For a Happier, Healthier, More Fulfilled Life
Live and On-Demand Yoga, Breathwork, Meditation, and Ayurvedic Wisdom
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Know true peace and contentment.
Move forward with more freedom and fulfillment.
Create an extraordinary life.
We can not wait for someone else to solve our confusion and fix the problems we have. Only we can do this.
Deborah Keene~ Your Guide
I am so excited to share these teachings and practices and inspire you to make positive changes that will help you live a happier and healthier life.

"The way we live day in and day out
is what matters the most."
Our habits define us.
Problems in life, as well as our health and happiness, come from our habits.
This is where a morning yoga practice and positive daily habits come in to break the cycle of negative patterns so you feel calm, uplifted, and excited about your life.
If you are ready to take control of your health and happiness the natural way and you want guidance and support so you stay the course, this membership is for you.

“Deb, there's so much inspiration here and I'm loving it!
You've put SO much of yourself into these generous and rich offerings.”

“Did the inner strength and purification practice this morning.
Great membership!”

“I am continuing to get so much benefit from my membership. I love that I can take classes several times a week. Thank you so much!”

“I was delighted to open up a recorded class today and the benefits were great.”

“I love the Kundalini focus of these yoga classes, and your splendid embodiment and teaching. What a pleasure to be with you!”

“I wanted to let you know, and anyone on the fence about signing up for this membership, how much I am enjoying revisiting classes I remember from previous offerings and discovering some I missed.
Many, many thanks, and much gratitude.”
Can you relate?
You try to establish healthier diet and lifestyle habits but can't stick to them.
You are tired of being held back by negative thoughts and limiting beliefs.
You feel stressed, frustrated, overwhelmed, and/or unfulfilled.
You compare yourself to others and often end up feeling insecure.
You say yes to things that are really not right for you.
You are tired of waking up anxious and sad.
You wish you had more energy and felt happier.
If so, you are in the right place!
In this membership, you will receive the guidance and support to help you establish and maintain a daily morning practice and positive diet and lifestyle habits.
You will build consistency and learn techniques to calm the mind, and build energy and strength in the body to set you up for a great day. Not just for today. But every day!
Recorded and live yoga practices, seasonal diet and lifestyle suggestions, and simple tips for physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and more.

Replace outdated patterns with healthy habits and feel better fast
Have more energy, be more productive, and finish the tasks you start
Feel good about who you are
Build deep inner strength and confidence so you stay true to what is right for you
Age gracefully through the golden years
Have a more calm, focused mind
Become the person you need to be to create the life you want.
Come Home to Yourself
Find Your Community
Live Free
The creation of this membership is a dream come true for me.
I stand behind all that I share.
How can I say this?
Because of the woman I am today.
I know what it is like to live with anxiety, depression, and not feel good about myself.
I've struggled with insecurities, my health, and feeling stuck and confused in my life and not knowing what to do or even where to start.
When I finally realized the way I was living was a big part of the problem,
I set out to learn and do whatever I needed to feel better.
That's when I started to turn my life around.

“Deborah is a shining example of her path. She is humble, authentic, and truly is living her purpose.
She has done her inner work and knows what it takes and how to guide someone along this path.” ~S.M.

"Your classes are inspiring and your radiance always shines through."

"Today’s class with you was perfect for me both physically and emotionally!
I felt so much better afterwards. Your personal presence is so uplifting and inspiring.
I am looking forward to practicing daily again and again."
My Path is Yoga and Ayurveda
I have devoted over 50 years to the studies and practices of India’s ancient healing sciences. I have applied the teachings to my own life all along the way.
I have experienced the transformative powers of a morning yoga and meditation practice and how it grounds and strengthens me in every way.
I've learned about the foods and lifestyle practices best suited for each season and my own unique make up so I feel energized, balanced, and calm.
I have the clarity and confidence to make decisions that help me live in way that is right for me.
And the best part?
I feel good about who I am. I love me.
I know what is needed to make consistent progress in changing unhealthy behaviors.
I know how hard it is to change habits and what it takes to do so
because I've done it!
My experiences have helped mold me into the woman I am now ~ happy, healthy, and deeply fulfilled in my life and my work.
These are the very things I share in this membership.
My life's purpose is to share these common sense teachings in simple, easy to understand ways and to support you in making long lasting changes so you can live a happy, healthy, meaningful life.

"I was feeling like I had lost my way… but through the practice and gentle reminders you have offered I’m feeling my roots deeper and my mind clearer. Thank you for your offerings and sharing your wealth of knowledge & knowing.” ~ L.N.

"Deborah offers rare and invaluable gifts to our community. Thank you for all you do and for you."

"Thank you for all you do to bring a radiant light into this world. Your dedication, positive energy and outlook help to spread joy, peace and love."
About Deborah Keene
Founder of the Ayurveda Yoga Center
Deborah has dedicated over 50 years to the study and practice of India’s ancient healing sciences. She holds advanced certifications in both Yoga and Ayurveda and has spent the last four decades immersed in study, practice, teaching, and working one on one with clients.
She is a devoted Yoga teacher, mentor for women, and Ayurvedic practitioner whose teachings are grounded in her in-depth studies, direct experiences, and personal transformations.
Deborah combines her humor, compassion and easy manner in all of her offerings.
Her passion is to empower others with a holistic approach to take control of their health and happiness and create the life they want.

Radiant Living Membership
$29 monthly
Teachings and practices for a Lifetime of Benefits